Do People Think You Suck Because You Cold Call?

Do People Think You Suck Because You Cold Call?
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This just happened to me recently. I was researching a security system for my new apartment. I just moved in and have been thinking it wise to invest in some type of alarm in case of intrusion.

So I embark – and what I find initially doesn’t seem too terrible. Every website I visit asks for my information so they can provide me with a better quote. I only receive two calls from two different companies – one I recognized, and the other I did not. Not bad right? After visiting Clark Howard, however, I decide that it might be best to wait until I can afford the system that I truly want. I tell this to the two companies and they seem to understand.

On the phone...

Three months later, and they still call me twice a day. I was hoping they would take the hint after two weeks of no answer, but no. I’m going to have to answer and explain to them again that I don’t want their service. At all. I can confidently say that I will never recommend either of these brands strictly because of the frequency of the calls and the sheer persistence.

It then dawned on me just how dead cold calling is. Most people I know don’t have house phones anymore. The only way to get in touch with someone is to call the cell phone. But imagine how disruptive that is. Almost invasive for some. When I receive a call from a company, I automatically get defensive.

It reminds me of when my teenage brother was explaining to me that his friends only call him when they are upset or angry. Or they want to make a demand – like hanging out. Other than that, you text. Receiving a call is almost an act of hostility (and understandably so since it’s much more confrontational than a text).

I get to thinking about other evidence and inferences in the professional world. just posted an article about the Future of Sales Technology. Geoffrey James says “cold calling will become impossible”. The switch will go to marketing based on pre-existing relationships and social media. Calling just doesn’t receive the same type of lead generation anymore – but it still does receive some leads.

Speaking of generation – where’s the research on this upcoming generation? What do we know about Millenials? How will the businesses that specialize in direct marketing adapt? Young people are already adverse to answering the phone. How will salespeople adapt for the future? I’m very curious.

Furthermore, for every 100 people that you call, and one of them says ‘yes’, what about the other 99 people who said ‘no’? Do they then turn around and put down your brand because you cold called them? How can we measure that?

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